MX1 (GeneID: 474121) | Pan troglodytes
Description: MX dynamin like GTPase 1 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:7584]
Synonyms: MxA
Other ID(s): ENSPTRG00000013927
Protein Accession Numbers: XP_009433205, XP_009431729, XP_009437205, XP_009435671, XP_009432673, XP_009436727, NP_001266765, XP_009433704, XP_009432184, XP_016793893, XP_009436175
Statistics: ClinVar(18) gnomAD(1878) COSMIC(776) PTM(29)
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∙ Please click the name of species for the protein accession number used in the alignment.
∙ A p letter used as a pointer to positions of post translational modifications in human.
∙ Protein domains illustrated above belong to Homo sapiens (Human).
∙ ClinVar stacked bar chart represents whole protein isoforms of the gene. Please, check the other protein isoforms of the gene below.
∙ If more than one transcripts below are active (with blue background color), it means all the active transcripts have the same sequence.
ENST00000288383 ENST00000398598 You are here now! ENST00000398600 You are here now! ENST00000413778 ENST00000417963 ENST00000419044 ENST00000424365 ENST00000427464 ENST00000441677 ENST00000455164 You are here now! NP_001138397 You are here now! NP_001171517 You are here now! NP_001269849 NP_002453 You are here now!

import_contactsClinVar Data

Frameshift Variant
Inframe Deletion
Missense Variant
Splice Region Variant
Stop Gained
Stop Retained Variant
Synonymous Variant
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placePost-translational Modifications (PTMs)
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blur_onCatalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC)
Deletion - Frameshift
Insertion - Frameshift
Substitution - Coding Silent
Substitution - Missense
Substitution - Nonsense
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format_align_centerProtein Domains (PFAM)
Pfam Domain filter_list Domain Name filter_list Description filter_list Positions filter_list Clan filter_list Clan Name filter_list Organism filter_list
PF00350 Dynamin_N Dynamin family 73-249 CL0023 P-loop_NTPase Homo sapiens
PF01031 Dynamin_M Dynamin central region 259-547 Homo sapiens
PF02212 GED Dynamin GTPase effector domain 569-660 Homo sapiens

view_listList of the diseases from DisGeNET
Disease Name filter_list Disease Category filter_list DSI* filter_list DPI** filter_list
Fanconi Anemia Hemic and Lymphatic Diseases ; Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities ; Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases ; 0.63 0.621
Influenza Virus Diseases ; Respiratory Tract Diseases ; 0.63 0.621
Leukemia, Myelocytic, Acute Neoplasms ; 0.63 0.621
Malignant neoplasm of stomach Neoplasms ; Digestive System Diseases ; 0.63 0.621
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, M1 Neoplasms ; 0.63 0.621
Stomach Neoplasms Neoplasms ; Digestive System Diseases ; 0.63 0.621
Myocardial Ischemia Cardiovascular Diseases ; 0.63 0.621
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer Neoplasms ; Digestive System Diseases ; 0.63 0.621
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML-M2) Neoplasms ; 0.63 0.621

Classification of Clinicial Significance of ClinVar Data
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